outreach & events

Recent Publications:

From supply management to agricultural subsidies—and back again? The U.S. Farm Bill & agrarian (in)viability

by Garrett Graddy-Lovelace and Adam Diamond, in Journal of Rural Studies, Feb. 2017

The coloniality of US agricultural policy: articulating agrarian (in)justice

by Garrett Graddy-Lovelace, in The Journal of Peasant Studies, Aug. 2016

Farm Bill 2018 Symposium: Policy, Politics, and Potential

American University, Washington, DC | March 28, 2017

A public symposium on the US Farm Bill 2018: Policy, Politics & Potential, was held at American University's School of International Service on March 28, 2017, from 8am-4pm. This event, co-sponsored by Berkeley Food Institute, marked the first time that academics, civil society leaders, policy-makers, producers and the general public were able to present and discuss original research both on and for the US Farm Bill, across and beyond disciplines. 

Association of Environmental Studies & Sciences Annual Conference

American University, Washington, DC | June 8-11, 2016

Students Amber Orozco and Alexandria Ward along with Professor Garrett Graddy-Lovelace presented their paper entitled “Bridging the Struggles of Urban & Rural Discrimination: Cultivating Solidarity--and Sustainable Agriculture” at the annual AESS conference, hosted by American University.

This paper explores theoretical foundations and mainstream conversations on the dichotomization of rural and urban agri-food systems--and how urban and rural foodscapes have been pitted against each other in Farm Bill debates and funding. Our paper aims to contextualize social equity initiatives underway in rural and urban sustainable food realms--so as to discern and bridge the parallels.


Harvard University, Cambridge, Ma | March 25-26, 2016

Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting

San Francisco, CA | March 29 - April 2, 2016

Students Amber Orozco and Alexandria Ward presented their poster, “The Distribution of Race, Power, and Representation: An Analysis of USDA’s County Committees” at two conferences in spring 2016.  First, at the annual Just Food? conference, a collaboration of the Harvard Food Law Society and the Food Literacy Project at Harvard; then, at the annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, held in San Francisco. Read their abstract below: 

Amber and Alex with their poster at Harvard University's Just Food? conference

Our research seeks to bring urgency to conversations on racial representation to national agricultural politics. Our discussion of the history of structural racism in the United States Department of Agriculture, includes a map comparing the racial population distribution of County Committees in the United States to the racial populations of the farmers in those counties in 2013. This map is supplemented with semi-structured interviews with farmers and activists who share their experiences with racial discrimination from the USDA. 

Rural Coalition Board Meeting 2016

Epes, Alabama 

Three students conducted USDA County Snapshot Database of ag-related economic indicators

dimensions of political ecology

university of lexington, kentucky | february 26-28, 2015

Professor Garrett Graddy-Lovelace and students Michael Bard, Kat Diersen and Leah Germer presented at the annual Dimensions of Political Ecology Conference.

Community-based, participatory action-research methodologies: an ongoing dialogue

american university, washington, DC | february 6, 2015

This informal workshop explored the intellectual heritage and the current need for community-based, participatory action-research methodologies in international studies research. It created a forum wherein scholars from across disciplines (from policy studies to geography, communication to public health) and civil society-leaders shared their experiences in collaboratively designing, implementing and disseminating robust research on pressing social issues.

rural coalition winter forum 2014

American University, washington, DC | December 3-5, 2014

The Rural Coalition Winter Forum (RCWF) is the annual meeting of farmers, ranchers, and fishers from the Americas to establish an advocacy agenda for the upcoming calendar year.

sis agri-food student research symposium

american university, washington, DC | december 4, 2014

AU graduate and undergraduate students who have conducted original research on some aspect of food and agricultural systems or policy presented their research at a poster session during the 2014 Rural Coalition Winter Forum.

rural coalition winter forum 2013

american university, washington, DC | December 5-6, 2013

 Explore the 2013 RC Winter Forum through videos and blog posts by students and faculty:

u.s. farm bill 2012: Policy and potential

american university, washington, DC | April 27, 2012

The Global Environmental Politics Program within SIS hosted a conversation about the (then) upcoming 2012 Farm Bill. The symposium explored the national and international implications of the policy and its potential for cultivating socially just and ecologically sustainable agri-food systems. 



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