Farm Bill Fairness is a hub for sharing resources and connecting advocates, organizations, farmers, and scholars who are working toward racial justice and equity in US and global food systems. Whether you are a farmer or advocate who has been working tirelessly to transform the Farm Bill for decades, a sustainable agriculture advocate who is looking to better understand the racialized implications of US farm policy, a climate scholar looking to create equitable community-partnerships, or a racial justice advocate just beginning to learn what farming has to do with it, this is a site for you. Farm Bill Fairness is housed at the Antiracist Research & Policy Center.

Photography courtesy of ARPC.


Pointing the Farm Bill Toward Racial Justice Toolkit

ARPC action-resource guides are designed to curate critical analysis and resources in the form of accessible, actionable tools. From deep dive, multi-media toolkits such as our Pointing the Farm Bill Toward Racial Justice Toolkit, to event summary guides, such as the Abolition of Abortion Laws Resource guide, our action-resource materials are all grounded in ideas, scholarships, and recommendations developed collaboratively with grassroots communities and interdisciplinary teams of scholars.

Pointing the Farm Bill Toward Racial Justice Summit:

In April 2023 the Federation of Southern Cooperatives/Land Assistance Fund (FSC/LAF)Berkeley Food Institute (BFI)American University’s Center for Environment, Community, and Equity (CECE) and Antiracist Research Policy Center (ARPC) hosted Pointing the Farm Bill Toward Racial Justice, a Farm Bill Summit & Briefing. It was a historic convening of farmers, advocates, policy-makers, scholars, students, and the general public invested in making the next Farm Bill a policy vehicle for advancing equity across each of the twelve titles in the bill.


2023 Senate Briefing:

An interdisciplinary collection of American University scholars and centers partnered with the Federation of Southern Cooperatives/Land Assistance Fund (FSC/LAF) and the Berkeley Food Institute for a landmark summit, April 30 to May 2. Participants, who first gathered at Airlie, traveled to the US Capitol to draw support for the inclusion of equity and racial justice in the 2023 farm bill. 

The Fire Right Now - Race and the Farm Bill miniseries:

In Summer 2024, ARPC dedicated their Fire Right Now instagram live series - which covers pressing intersectional issues related to racial justice - to dissecting the stalled Farm Bill and working with grassroots partners and farmers to imagine what we can do together next.

Black Farmer Knowledge Long Interview Series

A triptych video series featuring Freddie, Darnella, and Ben

Voices Across the Federation Short Interview Series

Informational paragraph about long interviews.

 Check out our list organizations that are working to make the farm Bill more equitable, as well as links to their resources and toolkits.